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Studies in Paul, Exegetical and Theological


These eleven articles from a recognized leader among New Testament scholars are an attractive entry-point for students into key aspects of Paul’s thought, and are, equally, well worth revisiting by experienced scholars.

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SKU: 978-1-905048-04-4

Masterly, balanced, concise, jargon-free essays on topics central to the theology of Paul, remaining closely in touch with the biblical text itself while always alert to the range of scholarly opinion and debate. These eleven articles from a recognized leader among New Testament scholars are an attractive entry-point for students into key aspects of Paul’s thought, and are, equally, well worth revisiting by experienced scholars.

Two essays concern Paul’s personal life, one of them on the impact of his conversion on his understanding of Jesus, the other on his experience of prayer. In the context of Galatians, Longenecker explores the idea of the ‘pedagogue’, and in the context of Romans the questions of its addressees and its purpose. Other themes are Paul’s vision of community formation, his concept of mutuality, and the variability of his responses to opponents. In the last three essays, the focus is on Paul’s theology of the resurrection —its basis, its background in Jewish thinking, and whether his thought on the subject underwent development.

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1. The Impact of Paul's Conversion on his Understanding of Jesus: A Realized Hope, a New Commitment, and a Developed Proclamation 2. Prayer in the Pauline Letters 3. The Pedagogical Nature of the Law in Galatians 3:19-4:7 4. Prolegomena to Paul's Use of Scripture in Romans 5. The Focus of Romans: The Central Role of 5:1-8:39 in the Argument of the Letter 6. Paul's Vision of the Church and Community Formation in his Major Missionary Letters 7. The Pauline Concept of Mutuality as a Basis for Luke's Theme of Witness 8. 'What Does It Matter?': Priorities and the Adiaphora in Paul's Dealing with Opponents during his Mission 9. The Nature of Paul's Early Eschatology 10. 'Good Luck on Your Resurrection': Early Judaism and Paul on the Resurrection of the Dead 11. Is There Development in Paul's Resurrection Thought?

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Richard N. Longenecker
List Price
£65 / $135 / €120
New Testament Monographs, 2
Scholars' Price
£32.50 / $67.50 / €60
ISBN 13 hardback
Paperback price
£15.95 / $22.50 / €20
ISBN 13 Paperback
Hardback / Paperback
Page Extent
Publication Date
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