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A Critical Engagement: Essays on the Hebrew Bible in Honour of J. Cheryl Exum


This volume honours the distinctive contribution to Hebrew Bible studies over four decades by Cheryl Exum, Professor Emerita of Biblical Studies in the University of Sheffield.



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SKU: 978-1-907534-33-1

This volume honours the distinctive contribution to Hebrew Bible studies over four decades by Cheryl Exum, Professor Emerita of Biblical Studies in the University of Sheffield. Her special interests have lain, first, in the modern literary criticism of the Hebrew Bible, where her key work was Tragedy and Biblical Narrative: Arrows of the Almighty . A second area has been feminist criticism of the Hebrew Bible; here her notable contributions were Fragmented Women: Feminist (Sub)versions of Biblical Narratives and Plotted, Shot, and Painted: Cultural Representations of Biblical Women . A more recent, and now almost favourite, theme is the Bible and cultural studies, especially the Bible and art. Key works here have been a series of edited volumes, such as Beyond the Biblical Horizon: The Bible and the Arts , and The Bible in Film / The Bible and Film . Her fourth area of continuing interest has been the Song of Songs, with many articles culminating in her perceptive commentary in the Old Testament Library series. In this rich volume, 25 of her friends and colleagues offer her papers on all these themes. Several are on or around the Song of Songs (Graeme Auld, Fiona Black, David Clines, Sara Japhet, Martti Nissinen, Yair Zakovitch), and topics of feminist interest (Yairah Amit, Athalya Brenner, Claudia Camp, Hugh Pyper, Jack Sasson). Cultural studies are represented by Alice Bach, Hans Barstad, Andrew Davies, David Gunn, Martin O’Kane, John Sawyer and Ellen van Wolde, and literary criticism by Michael Fox, Edwin Good, Norman Gottwald, Edward Greenstein, Francis Landy, Burke Long and Hugh Williamson.

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table of contents

Yairah Amit Hidden Polemics in the Story of Judah and Tamar A. Graeme Auld Contexts for Tamar: Samuel and the Song of Songs Alice Bach ‘If there are such things as miracles, Israel has to be one!’ Narratives from the Hollywood Vault Hans M. Barstad Maurice Halbwachs, Memory, and the Hebrew Bible Fiona C. Black The Shulammite’s Burning Bush: Passion, Im/Possibility and the Existence of God in Song 8.6 and Exodus 3 Athalya Brenner Ruth: The Art of Memorizing Territory and Religion Claudia V. Camp Illustrations of the Sotah in Popular Printed Works in the Seventeenth–Nineteenth Centuries David J.A. Clines Reading the Song of Songs as a Classic Andrew Davies Tears in Jerusalem: David’s Response to the Death of Absalom in 2 Samuel and Tomkins’s ‘When David heard’ Michael V. Fox Reading the Tale of Job Edwin M. Good The Comic Plots of the Bibles Norman Gottwald On the Alleged Wisdom of Kings: An Application of Adorno’s Immanent Criticism to Qohelet Edward L. Greenstein ‘Difficulty’ in the Poetry of Job David M. Gunn Samson Improved for Youth in an Age of Empire: Mr Atherton, Gentleman and Genial Giant, in G.A. Henty’s Maori and Settler (18 1), as a Case of Biblical Reception Sara Japhet The ‘Description Poems’ in Ancient Jewish Sources and in the Jewish Exegesis of the Song of Songs Francis Landy The Book That Cannot Be Read Burke O. Long Flesh of my Flesh Martti Nissinen Is God Mentioned in the Song of Songs? Flame of Yahweh, Love, and Death in Song of Songs 8.6-7a Martin O’Kane The Bible in Orientalist Art Hugh S. Pyper Other Mothers: Maternity and Masculinity in the Book of Ruth Jack M. Sasson ‘A breeder or two for each leader’: On Mothers in Judges 4 and 5 John F.A. Sawyer Interpreting Hebrew Writing in Christian Art H.G.M. Williamson God and Cyrus in Isaiah 41.-2-3 Ellen van Wolde The Bow in the Clouds in Genesis 9.12-17: When Cognitive Linguistics Meets Visual Criticism Yair Zakovitch ‘A Woman of valor, ’eshet hayil’ (Proverbs 31.10-31): A Conservative Response to the Song of Songs


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Book information

David J. A. Clines
David J.A. Clines, Ellen van Wolde
List Price
£75 / $120 / €85
Scholars' Price
£37.50 / $60 / €42.50
ISBN 13 hardback
Page Extent
xvi + 428
Publication Date
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