The Sheffield Phoenix Press advisory board members are appointed to reflect a diversity of perspectives within biblical studies scholarly communities and distinctiveness of this Press. The role of members is to support the development of different series by providing advice and guidance to the directors and signposting to suitable readers of book proposals.
Current advisory board members
Bob Becking (Hebrew Bible, Israelite religion, gender and trauma studies)
Liz Boase (Hebrew Bible and trauma, ecological hermeneutics, Lamentations and Jeremiah)
Athalya Brenner (Hebrew Bible, feminist biblical criticism)
Juliana Claassens (Hebrew Bible, gender, trauma and human dignity)
Chris Greenough (gender, sexuality, sexual violence and queer biblical studies)
Deryn Guest (lesbian, transgender, queer and gender interpretations of biblical texts)
Uriah Kim (Hebrew Bible, Asian American biblical hermeneutics)
Manuel Villalobos Mendoza (New Testament, otherness, masculinity, “borderland,” migration, race, economy, gender, queerness, and ecology)
Susanne Scholz (Hebrew Bible, gender, film; historiography; narrative; social location)
Robby Waddell (apocalyptic literature, film criticism, ecology, Pentecostal hermeneutics)
Megan Warner (Hebrew Bible, trauma and resilience)
Meredith Warren (New Testament and Early Judaism)