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Empire and Apocalypse: Postcolonialism and the New Testament


In Empire and Apocalypse Stephen Moore offers us the most complete introduction yet to the emergent field of postcolonial biblical criticism. It includes an indispensable in-depth introduction to postcolonial theory and criticism together with a detailed survey of postcolonial biblical criticism.

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In Empire and Apocalypse Stephen Moore offers us the most complete introduction yet to the emergent field of postcolonial biblical criticism. It includes an indispensable in-depth introduction to postcolonial theory and criticism together with a detailed survey of postcolonial biblical criticism.

Next come three substantial exegetical chapters on the Gospels of Mark and John and the Book of Revelation, which together demonstrate how postcolonial studies provide fresh conceptual resources and critical strategies for rethinking early Christianity’s complex relations to the Roman Empire. Each of these three texts, to different degrees, Moore argues, mimic and replicate fundamental facets of Roman imperial ideology even while resisting and eroding it.

The book concludes with an amply annotated bibliography whose main section provides a comprehensive listing of work done to date in postcolonial biblical criticism.

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  1. Sharon H. Ringe, Catholic Biblical Quarterly.

    This book is clearly and gracefully written. The exegetical insights left me eager for more of M.’s work and energized to continue the study in my own exegetical projects. Both in content and in modelling how to do postcolonial biblical criticism, this book is of tremendous value, M. makes a contribution to the growing dialogue among scholars using the methodology of postcolonial criticism, and it should be a text in seminary and graduate courses in biblical interpretation.

  2. Francisco Lozada, Biblical Interpretation.

    Moore does a splendid job in applying postcolonial theory to biblical criticism. Many studies talk about how postcolonialism is done but Moore actually shows one way of doing it. if R.S. Sugirtharajah is representative of those postcolonial readings emanating from liberation hermeneutics and Richard Horsley representative of those from historical criticism, Moore is surely the representative leader of those studies strongly linked to postcolonial theory.

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Book information

Stephen D. Moore
List Price
£37 / $75 / €55
Bible in the Modern World, 12
Scholars' Price
£18.50 / $37.50 / €27.50
ISBN 13 hardback
Paperback price
£18.50 / $25 / €22.50
ISBN 13 Paperback
Hardback / Paperback
Page Extent
x + 151
Publication Date
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